For Women in Compliance by Women in Compliance . . . 

The Women's Compliance Collective

Sign up today and get . . .   

For Women in Compliance by Women in Compliance . . . 

The Women's Compliance Collective

Sign up today and get . . .   

FREE MEMBERSHIP in a new and growing women-only community that will bolster your Compliance Smarts and Leadership Skills through Supportive Coaching and Connected Community.

SPECIAL OPPORTUNITIES for live learning, capacity building, and coaching.

EXCLUSIVE ACCESS to community gatherings, workshops, and events to enhance your emotional well-being and compliance EQ.

Join us, and together we'll take on 

the day-to-day challenges faced by women in compliance!

A word from . . . 

Gaye Montgomery

Former Global Fortune 50 legal and compliance executive turned Women’s Compliance Leadership Coach

The Women’s Compliance Collective grew out of a wait list for a live learning, capacity building, coaching, and community experience I offered last fall called Mastering the Compliance Inner Game.

Wanting a place to connect with – and foster connections among – the women who’d expressed an interest in the spring 2021 session of the program, I established The Women’s Compliance Collective to serve as the “home base” of Mastering the Compliance Inner Game.

What started out as a list of fewer than 20 women has morphed into a bourgeoning community of more than 300 women around the world

They represent companies in the Fortune 20 to the Fortune 1000 and beyond. They are mothers, daughters, sisters, significant others, and, for our immediate purposes, women who do compliance.

See you there!

Gaye Montgomery, The Women's Compliance Leadership Coach

Fortune Global 50 Legal and Compliance Executive (retired)

Weatherhead School of Management Coaching Program | College of Executive Coaching

Yale J.D. | Princeton B.A.